Oct 25, 2010
We’ve just helped our partner Max Manning Global Missions send 20,000 pounds of rice to Haiti. This week, the rice is on its way, along with needed medical supplies, building materials and new mattresses. Rice, a major food staple in Haiti, will be especially welcomed as clinics have seen an overwhelming rise in the number of malnourished children being brought in for treatment. So much work is still left to do as we look toward sustainable projects to help Haitians rise and renew. Your prayers and donations help every day in the fight. Join with us.
In the weeks following Haiti’s January 2010 earthquake, Global Aid Partnership sent more than 75 tons of aid to save and restore lives. Because we routed our shipments around the clogged docks of Port Au Prince to an available port nearby, we’re proud to report the aid reached its targets in the most efficient way possible. Our network of Haitian partners each received their portions and carried them back to their communities for immediate distribution.
Aid included nearly 200,000 servings of food, along with medical supplies, clothing, tarps, and much-needed drinking water. Every penny (100%) of donations received for Haitian recovery went directly to project costs. We continue to support ongoing works in medical care, agriculture, education and orphan solutions.
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